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Dennis Read Between the Lines
A source for those who want to know more about trends and happenings in the five Villages of our town. We are a Grassroots group of thoughtful residents who seek to inform our neighbors (year round and seasonal) and friends about issues that can and will affect the future of all of the Town Dennis.
DCRD Dennis Village 40B Update
March 3, 2024
To our knowledge, the Developer has not received the Project Eligibility Letter from MassHousing (MH). We have heard that MH contacted the Town with questions. We are hopeful that MH is carefully reviewing the application and hearing DCRD’s and other’s concerns.
We have also heard that if the 40B project is not approved, there are alternate plans to develop the property.
DCRD is joining a campaign to buy-out the project.
A trusted neighbor has been negotiating with the Developers for many months to delineate the parcels and come to a price for each parcel. There are three potential parcels. The most prominent one, approx. 40,000 SF, is the wooded area along Rte. 6A between Hallett Court and the Captain Moses and Jerusha Sturgis Howes house. The developers are asking $1.5 million for this lot. The other two parcels, which would require another $1.5 million, would be the ones on the east and west side of Hope Lane.
A campaign committee has formed as has named the campaign “Preserve The Charm.” We are honored they chose a name that reflects the hard work we have done over the last many months with our “Don’t Harm the Charm” campaign.
DCRD is asked to join the campaign and help collect pledges and donations in the amount of $1.5M for the purchase of the 6A parcel.
Village Improvement Society (VIS) is the local non-profit who will lead in collecting pledges and donations. They have created a new bank account for campaign funds and a new post office box for correspondence (address to follow). New information is also being added to VIS and DCRD websites.
Pledges are being requested by May 1 with first payment due May 15, 2024. It is currently structured that payments can be made over 3 years, if necessary. Upfront buy-out is preferred and it will take all of us doing our best to make it happen.
Developers have promised a Letter of Intent (LOI) for this transaction, but that and subdivision of the parcel will follow initiation of our pledge drive, which has to-date raised over $300K.
New lawn signs are in-process which will read ‘Preserve The Charm” and a sticker may be made available for existing lawn signs still in good shape (to cover ‘don’t harm’ with ‘preserve’).
Please join us in raising the necessary funds to preserve this land from clear-cutting and over-development. We ask that you consider how much you can pledge and also who you can contact to share the story. The more people we have working on this, the more successful this will be.
And if you have any experience with or a desire to learn more, consider helping us find public money. Here are two organizations: Dennis Community Preservation Fund and Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund (www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/mhcmppf/mppfidx.htm).
Maybe you know others, please share!
A case letter in support of this campaign is at the printers.
Please contact Sharon Machuga, DCRD co-chair and member of the committee info@denniscrd.org if you want to be part of this committee. The committee is currently making lists of prospects so please reach out if you know someone who you think should be contacted; let Sharon know and we will make sure they are not already on the list.
As this area has evidently always been wooded, the intent is to keep it undeveloped but also clear the overgrowth and downed limbs. A small clearing with seating options is being discussed. Placards with information pertaining to the historic surrounds is contemplated. We are excited about preserving this lot and adding to the charm of our precious Village.
Other LINKS of Common Interests
Spread the word to family and friends ...
o Dennis Citizens for Responsible Development - https://www.denniscrd.org/
(there is a petition you can sign to show your disapproval of this project)
o Village Improvement Society of Dennis